ID | Interpret | Skladba | Album | |
1. | George Gordon | America is a Christian Nation 2 of 2 | The Law Hour | |
2. | Mark Roessler | Is America A Christian Nation Mark Roessler 6 28 2009 | Sermons | |
3. | Dave Hitt | QH - A Christian Nation? | Quick Hitts | |
4. | Albert Mohler | Not Even Close? -- Is America Becoming a Post-Christian Culture? | Albert Mohler AudioBlog | |
5. | The Infidel Guy Show | Sam Harris - Letter to a Xian, Sam Harris - Letter to a Christian Nation - 09-08-2006 | | |
6. | atsuki sakaji | special christian american campaign - now theyve gone and done it - its a national anti christian move | | |
7. | St. Augustine | Chs. 17-19: Threefold division of the various kinds of speech. The Christian orator is constantly dealing with great matters. The Christian teacher must use different styles on different occasions. | On Christian Doctrine: Bk. 4 | |
8. | Dr. Peter Masters | Christian Witness in A Post-Christian World | | |
9. | Hosted By Lee The Cool Guy! | Issues Under Fire: Is America Number 2, Is America Losing Afghanistan,IS McCain Throwing The Race | | |
10. | Pastor David Legge | 15-Christian Liberty And The Christian's Purity | 1 Corinthians | |
11. | Earthbound | One Nation Trance Nation | | |
12. | Daft Punk | One Nation - Trance Nation | Earthbound | |
13. | Michael Martine, Michael Rowe, and Matthew Simpson | Dogear-Nation Episode 19 - Dog days of Dogear-Nation | Dogear-Nation | |
14. | St. Augustine | Chs 1-4: This work not intended to teach rhetoric. It is lawful for a Christian teacher to use rhetoric. Proper means and age to learn rhetorical skill. The duty of the Christian teacher. | On Christian Doctrine: Bk. 4 | |
15. | Ennio Morricone | Once Upon a Time in America/C'Era una Volta in America | Greatest hits of Ennio Morricone CD2 | |
16. | Imamu Amiri Baraka | Our Nation Is Like Ourselves | Dial-A-Poem Poets: Disconnected | |
17. | Imamu Amiri Baraka | Our Nation Is Like Ourselves | Dial-A-Poem Poets: Disconnected | |
18. | Dear Leader | A Nation Once Again | 2006-04-28 - Paradise Rock Club | |
19. | Dear Leader | a nation once again | 2005-01-29 - TT the Bear's Place | |
20. | Lights of Euphoria | One Nation | One Nation | |
21. | Lights of Euphoria | One Nation | Gegen Den Strom | |
22. | King.of.Pants | Do It Nation v2 | | |
23. | King.of.Pants | Do It Nation v2 | | |
24. | Chelsea | War across the nation | Punk singles collection 77-82 | |
25. | Dear Leader | a nation once again | 2005-01-29 - TT the Bear's Place | |
26. | Dr. Phil Fernandes | ONE NATION UNDER GOD 2 | | |
27. | Dear Leader | A Nation Once Again | 2006-11-10 Paradise Rock Club, Boston, MA | |
28. | Lights of Euphoria | One Nation | Gegen Den Strom | |
29. | PraiseGathering Music Group | Once To Every Man And Nation | One Nation Under God | |
30. | McEwen,Bob | One Nation Under God | | |